Books about Diabetes

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Diabetes Books

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Spriggs, E. I. (1916). The fasting treatment of diabetes: a contribution to the discussion at the Royal Society of Medicine on May 16, 1916. London, John Bale, Sons & Danielsson.

Spriggs, E. I. (1923). Duff House papers. London, Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton.

Spyer, G. and E. University of (2001). The role of glucokinase in glucose sensing in man. Exeter, University of Exeter.

Squibb Europe, I. (1988). New challenges in diabetes: International symposium: Papers and abstracts, Macmillan, Scientific and Medical Division.

Squire, A. J. B. (1889). On the treatment of diabetes by free phosphorus. London, J. & A. Churchill.

Squire, W. (1882). The treatment of diabetes.

Squire, W. (1887). On glycosuria and the renal signs of perverted nutrition with the treatment of diabetes and of some conditions allied to glycosuria. London, J. & A. Churchill.

St Vincent Joint Task Force for, D. (1995). The report. [London], Department of Health.

St Vincent Joint Task Force for, D., H. Great Britain. Department of, et al. (1995). First report and proposals for a work programme of the joint British Diabetic Association / Department of Health taskforce on diabetes: the implementation of the St Vincent Declaration. [London], British Diabetic Association.

Stafford, S. M. (1984). Circulating growth hormone in diabetes. Birmingham, University of Birmingham.

Staines, A. (1996). The geographical epidemiology of childhood insulin dependent diabetes and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in Yorkshire. Leeds, [University of Leeds].

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Standl, E. and H. Mehnert (1981). Pathogenetic concepts of diabetic microangiopathy: International Workshop Garmisch-Grainau, 1980. Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag.

Standl, E., H. Lebovitz, et al., Eds. (1996). Diabetes and the heart: Symposium: Papers and discussions, Elsevier.

Stanley, K. and C. C. Crawley (1997). Quick & easy diabetic recipes for one: tips and recipes for healthy eating on your own. Alexandria, Va.; [Great Britain], American Diabetes Assoc.

Steel Judith, M. and M. Dunn (1987). Coping with life on insulin, Chambers.

Steel, J. M. and M. Dunn (1987). Coping with life on insulin: a guide to insulin-dependent diabetes. Edinburgh, Chambers.

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Stengel, A. (1919). Relation of acute infection to diabetes.

Stenninger, E., P. Universitetet i Linköping Department of, et al. (1998). Aspects of hypoglycaemia in newborns of diabetic mothers and in children with Type 1 diabetes. Linkoping, Department of Paediatrics, Linkoping University.

Stephenson, J. M. (1994). Nephropathy, retinopathy and blood pressure in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.

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Steven, C. (1998). Diabetes: practical and easy-to-follow advice. Shaftesbury, Element.

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Stevens, E. J. (1994). Prostacyclin release and nerve blood flow in experimental diabetes mellitus.

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Strassheim, D. (1991). The regulation of adenylate cyclase in adipose tissue from the streptozotocin diabetic rat, the obese Zucker rat and the diabetic mouse.

Straub, F. (1994). Diabetes in Hawaii: a major health challenge: Annual symposium: Extended abstracts, The Foundation.

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