Books about Diabetes

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Diabetes Books

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Bajaj, J. S. and C. International Diabetes Federation (1976). Current topics in diabetes research: abstracts [of the] 9th Congress of the International Diabetes Federation, New Delhi, India, October 31-November 5, 1976. Amsterdam; Oxford, Excerpta Medica.

Bajaj, J. S. and C. International Diabetes Federation (1977). Diabetes: proceedings of the IX Congress of the International Diabetes Federation, New Delhi, October 31-November 5, 1976. Amsterdam; Oxford, Excerpta Medica.

Bajaj, J. S. and F. Congress Of The International Diabetes (1977). DIABETES: proceedings of the IXth Congress of the International Diabetes Federation, New Delhi, October 31st - November 5th, 1976; edited by JS Bajaj. Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica.

Bajaj, J. S., Ed. (1984). Diabetes mellitus in developing countries. New Delhi, Interprint.

Baker, L. (1993). Diabetes amongst Palestinian refugees in the West Bank.

Baksi, A. K., D. W. Hide, et al. (1984). Diabetes education. Chichester, Wiley.

Baldeweg, S. and L. University of (2002). Insulin resistance, endothelial function and non-esterified fatty acids in health and type 2 diabetes. London, University of London.

Baldwin, D. S. and J. Neugarten (1995). Homer Smith: his contribution to the practice of nephrology.

Bales Connie, W., A. National Institute on, et al., Eds. (1989). Mineral homeostasis in the elderly: Conference: Papers, Alan R Liss.

Bales, C. W., D. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney, et al. (1989). Mineral homeostasis in the elderly: proceedings of a conference to establish research priorities, held in Durham, North Carolina, April 20-21, 1988. New York, Alan R. Liss.

Balestri, P., Ed. (1993). An update on childhood diabetes and short stature: International symposium on childhood diabetes and the international workshop on non-conventional treatment: Papers. Bologna, Monduzzi.

Balfour, G. W. (1870). On the treatment of diabetes by milk, etc: being a clinical lecture delivered at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

Balkau, B., D. Simon, et al., Eds. (2003). International Diabetes Epidemiology Group: 9th meeting, Masson.

Ball, M. R. (1983). Effects of diabetes and thyroid hormones on intermediary metabolism in liver and kidney: 252 leaves.

Balligand, J. L. and B. Mayer (2000). Nitric oxide. Berlin; New York, Springer.

Balme, H. W. (1948). The relationship between diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. Cambridge, University of Cambridge.

Balment, R. J. (1975). Studies on the rat with diabetes insipidus (Brattleboro strain).

Bamanie, A. and S. University of Manchester. Medical (2001). Hearing loss and diabetes mellitus. Manchester, University of Manchester.

Banerjee, S. (1944). Alloxan diabetes in monkeys.

Banerji Mary, A. and S. Castells, Eds. (2002). Type 2 diabetes mellitus in minority children: an epidemic out of control, Freund Publishing.

Banford, D. (1996). Clinical evaluation of visual functions in young insulin dependent diabetes.

Banks, A. (1993). Education of patients with diabetes: design of a tool for audit, Original typescript.

Bansal Devi, D. and R. Khardori (1978). Diabetes: control and care. Chandigarh, Sameer Prakashan.

Banting, F. G. S. (1991). Pancreatic extracts in the treatment of diabetes mellitus: preliminary report. 1922.

Barach, J. H. (1928). Historical facts in diabetes.

Barach, J. H. (1949). Diabetes and its treatment. New York, Oxford Univ. Press.

Baranov, V. G. (1983). Eksperimental'nyi sakharnyi diabet: rol' v klinicheskoi diabetologii. Leningrad, "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie.

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Barber, J. C. K. (2000). An investigation of euchromatic cytogenetic imbalances without phenotypic effect, University of Southampton.

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Barbero, P. L. (1999). Ricognizione anamnestica e diagnostica postuma sulle infermità sopportate dal Beato Padre Cesare de Bus: l'ipotese del diabete quale malattia principale è causa di morte.

Bardsley, J. L. (1830). Hospital facts and observations: illustrative of the efficacy of the new remedies, strychnia, brucia, acetate of morphia, veratria, iodine, &c. in several morbid conditions of the system: with a comparative view of the treatment of chorea, and some cases of diabetes, a report on the efficacy of sulphureous fumigations in diseases of the skin, chronic rheumatism, &c. London, Burgess and Hill.

Bardsley, J. L. and H. West Suffolk (1830). Hospital facts & observations, illustrative of the efficacy of the new remedies, strychnia, brucia, acetate of morphia, veratria, iodine, &c.with a comparative view of the treatment of chorea, & some cases of diabetes: a report on the efficacy of sulphureous fumigations in diseases of the skin [etc.]. London, Burgess & Hill.

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Barnes, G. (1998). PDNT book. London, Emap Business Communications.

Barnes, N. D. and N. R. C. Roberton (1981). Paediatrics. London, Update Books.

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